Frugal Vacation For A Single Woman

Everyone, I have a confession to make I’ve been WRONG about ultra-frugality this whole time. That’s right. It turns out that ultra-frugal living tips — ones that’ll save you literally DOZENS of dollars every year — are the best solutions to your financial woes. Who do I have to thank for opening my eyes?

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I was single and frugal for years – widowed young. Eating out or buying take-out on the way home from work can be a big pitfall! I chose to live vegetarian because meat comes in big packages, and it would spoil or get freezer-burned before I used it.


Frugal Vacation For A Single Woman Trailer

Why, websites with listicles for the “XX best frugal living tips” of course! Without their amazing, not-at-all-scream-inducingly awful insights on human psychology and personal finance, I wouldn’t have realized that my life of eating,, and are actually holding me back from a Rich Life. I KNEEL AT THE ALTAR OF ULTRA-FRUGALITY.

Frugal Vacation For A Single Woman

Going on vacation always sounds like a dream. And nightlife that welcomes single travelers, this city is the perfect destination for woman in need of a spontaneous trip. A Single Person’s Guide To Frugal and Happy Living. Frugalwoods April 20, 2015. I was a super frugal single for 10 years. Now I live with someone. We are similar in our philosophy on moneysimilar not exactly the same. As far as relationships, I guess I lucked into finding the right woman early on. We met right after I.

Whoa, sorry about that. There must be a gas leak in my apartment. What I meant to say was ULTRA-FRUGAL LIVING TIPS ARE COMPLETE BS. If you think that clipping coupons and listening to frugal living “experts” will get you closer to living a Rich Life than focusing on the Big Wins, you’ve got another thing coming. I’m sick of seeing terrible frugal living “advice” out there. That’s why I want to put the heat on some of the absolute dumbest advice I’ve ever seen in my life.

These are actual, real tips I’ve found on a certain website millions of people go to for personal finance help every month. Sit down, students. Class is in session. Bad frugal living tip #1: “Make DIY things and stop paying for stuff!!” LOL you know what’s an easy way to have guests NEVER want to go to your house again? By being so damn frugal that you make ugly chairs and tables that collapse at the slightest breeze instead of buying them.

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Hell, unless you actually like DIY (which is fine!), nobody should turn to it as a way to save money on your day-to-day. We should use our time to do things we love. If you’re making things out of obligation to your bank balance, it’s time to “DIY” yourself a new bank balance. The problem isn’t that you don’t have a chair. It’s that you don’t have the extra money to buy the one you need. The reason people turn to crappy advice like this is purely psychological.